IIMG is an international company serving a Global client base . Our clients can call on the expertise of financial specialists in an array of worldwide Jurisdictions.

IIMG offers financial planning services to clients around the world. We can assist locals and expats to plan for their future with the end goal of financial freedom.

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Are you making the most of your existing capital? IIMG cash flow analysis services can provide clarity to complex financial situations, enabling you to see the growth opportunities in real-time. Speak with us today to discuss cash flow analysis services and learn more about IIMG services below.
What is a cash flow analysis?
Cash flow analysis uncovers a business or individual’s working capital during specific periods. The purpose of a cash flow analysis is to ensure the individual is fiscally prudent in their financial operation, which then uncovers opportunities to improve their financial position in the future. It can also be used to prepare for larger ad-hoc expenses in the future, such as a wedding or a big ticket purchase.
Without using cash flow analysis services, individuals can easily miss opportunities to do more with their money or feel an unnecessary squeeze on their capital at certain times. Individuals can often be leveraging their capital in more advantageous ways to help them achieve their financial goals quicker. Cash flow analysis identifies these opportunities before they are missed.
Prepared for the unexpected
Another benefit of cash flow analysis is it allows accurate modelling to prepare for possible situations and offer solutions. For example, our services could help you come up with different plans for your finances and assets in the event of a market crash, a bereavement, or an illness that keeps you out of work. By using cash flow analysis to make contingency plans, you’ll be best prepared to deal with different situations should they arise.
Who should consider cash flow analysis?
IIMG clients who utilise our cash flow services are usually individuals with multiple investments or various businesses. However, cash flow analysis has proven beneficial to retirees and those with just one income stream.
If you want to learn more about what cash flow analysis can do for you, don’t hesitate to contact the IIMG team today.

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